Sunday, 4 December 2011

Surgery on Macbook Batteries

Recently, one of my friends had a small problem with his Macbook trackpad. The trackpad button was getting pressed even with slight pressure, while just navigating. He suspected something pressurising the sensors from inside, and traced the problem to his bloated 6 cell Li-Po battery pack!
When we opened the battery, the screws simply popped out after a couple of turns of the screw-driver! We found all 6 cells bloated up. The battery is supposed to be 5 year old!!
Making the Cuts, Courtesy:TLS
We decided to puncture the outer covering of each cell slightly to let out the trapped gases, carefully so as to not damage anything inside it. So using a couple of paper cutters, we did just that, though, thanks to the super adhesive glue used by the manufacturers, we could only do that to 3 cells on one side.
After letting out the gases(which had a sweet, ester like smell to it), we covered the puncture marks with some insulation tape. The cells now dont show any sign of being handled by amateurs, the battery pack closed and got attached relatively easily(no popping screws atleast!!) and now the trackpad is back to normal. Happy Ending :)
Final Product, before screwing back, Courtesy:TLS
Only awaiting results on how long it runs without charging. If that is same as before, then we can say, "Operation Successful!" :P


  1. "The cells now dont show any sign of being handled by amateurs"
    Well Animesh what do you think those masking tapes represent? :P

  2. took 67 mins to go from 97% to 47% while being used continuously!

  3. I forgot to report earlier... it took 117 mins to reach to 20%, after which the power saver mode turned it to standby mode... so Operation Successful!

  4. @Dylan good thing everything is fine :) i was slightly scared after dt 1st cut.
    @TLS apart from the tapes, ofcourse!everything else looks jus fine, lik wn we opened it :D

  5. BTW, thanks for the pics @TLS :)

  6. Animesh time to bid the name TLS bye bye :P
